VERIFIED Authentic CHANEL Black Quilted Lambskin Boy Brick Flap Bag
Dear Buyers! Please note that for buyers who are in the US,lushentic replica handbags eBay will have the bag go through their authentication department before being shipped to the buyer! This means that once a sale happens, I will first ship the bag to eBay's authenticators. They will confirm that it's authentic and also they will make sure that the condition of the bag is just as I described in the listing, so that the buyer receives exactly what they expect to receive!!! And then they will ship the bag to the buyer. Ebay offers this service only for US buyers for now.
For my buyers who are outside of the US or those who purchase outside of eBay, I will have it confirmed authentic by a famous and reputable expert. I will provide the buyer with that verification of authenticity. I am one of very few sellers who goes to the trouble and expense of providing such proof of authenticity!
Dear buyers, I am so frustrated with the fakes I see being sold for hundreds and thousands of $$ that I feel compelled to say this:
Please be very careful with your purchases and always get them authenticated! I often search through other listings here to see the prices of different models from other sellers, and I keep finding fakes/replicas being listed as authentic Chanel! I report these listings to eBay, but most of the time I still see them up here. Don't be fooled by receipts, cards, etc - fakes these days often come with a full package. If the seller doesn't provide independent authentication, always get the item authenticated yourself after you receive it! It's simple and fast, and does not cost much! There are several excellent authentication services that you can use. And if you did end up buying a fake, contact eBay and PayPal - they are very supportive of buyers, and they will always make sure you get your money back!
This beautiful authentic Chanel black quilted lambskin leather Boy Brick flap bag is in absolutely excellent pre-owned condition. It was carried gently just a few times, and it spent the rest of the time sitting in the closet. There are a few light surface marks under the flap. I did not find any other signs of wear. This is a fabulous bag!
Please note that I will no longer be putting photos of the serial number stickers in my listings because I find that my photos are being stolen and used on other sites. If you would like to see a photo of the serial number sticker, please message me here or in my Ig store. Thank you!
This bag will come with a dust bag, but NO Chanel card (it has been misplaced). All of my bags go through eBay's Authentication Program, so you can be assured of their authenticity! And I can also provide the buyer with another verification of authenticity from a professional service, as stated above.
Dear buyers, I hope I don't offend you by saying this, but please don't send me low-ball offers. I have been a Chanel handbag collector for many years, with over 60 Chanel bags in my private collection at any point in time. I regularly buy brand new and pre-owned Chanel bags for my collection, and I know very well how much these bags are worth, particularly the popular models like this. :)
Please look at my feedback and long (21 year) history with eBay. I do NOT buy or sell fakes! Please also look at my other listings. I am going through my designer hand bag collection and selling quite a few of my bags.
Buyers, please note that I do my best to describe everything as thoroughly as possible, so that there would not be any bad surprises or disappointments for the buyer, but it is possible that I may occasionally miss something.
INTERNATIONAL BUYERS: before purchasing my items, please be aware of your country's import duties and taxes, which are the sole responsibility of the buyer!
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